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» Recruitment Result
list of eligble candidates & Schedule for interview & typing test
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Application for appointment on contractual basis to the post of Chief/Deputy Chief/Assistant Legal Aid Defense Council under Legal Aid Defense Council System.
Contract Job Notification Legal Aid Defence Counse Contract Job office Assistant Data Entry Operator etc Legal Aid Defence Counsel System LADCS
DLSA Damoh dt 17-01-2025 Public notice regarding application for recruitment of Office Assistant Receptionist cum Data Entry Operator and Office Peon under Legal and Defense Council Scheme 2022
Legal Aid Office Sidhi Legal Defence council syste Legal Aid Office Sidhi Legal Defence council system Recruitment 2025
advertisement LADCS staff Anuppur.pdf
शपथ आयुक्त नियुक्ति हेतु विज्ञप्ति शपथ आयुक्त नियुक्ति हेतु विज्ञप्ति
DLSA SINGRAULI MEMO NO 416 dt- 08-06-2023 Notice Letter for Recruitment under L.A.D.C.S. Yojna
List of eligible candidates for interview of LADCS on 17.06.2023
List of Candidates who are Not Eligible For Interv List of Candidates who are Not Eligible For Interview
List of Candidates who are Eligible For LADCS Inte List of Candidates who are Eligible For LADCS Interview
list of candidates for interview for LDCS Regarding list for interview for the various post for LDCS at DLSA Damoh
Advt. No. 97/LADCS/2023 Dated 05th May, 2023 Notice Inviting Applications For Engagement As Full Time Legal Aid Lawyer In Legal Aid Defence Counsel Office (Advt. No. 97/LADCS/2023 Dated 05th May, 2023)
चीफ, डिप्टी एवं असिस्टेंट लीगल एड डिफेंस कांउसिल क चीफ, डिप्टी एवं असिस्टेंट लीगल एड डिफेंस कांउसिल के पद पर संविदा के आधार पर नियुक्ति बाबत्
Office Memo-4256 two-11-05/2011 Appointment/recruitment post of Armed Forces Tribunal, Regional Beanch, Jabalpur
Vidisha-2422 Regarding the requirement of the retired employees for Digitization project in Tehsil Court Sironj
2013/SW/2022 dated 21-07-2022 Neemuch-Notary Advertisement dated 21-07-2022
Damoh 2061 dated 20-07-2022 Regarding the promotion through departmental exam on 21-07-2022
Damoh Q dt 19-07-2022 Regarding the list of partic Damoh Q dt 19-07-2022 Regarding the list of participants for department Promotion Exam
Commissioner of oaths Advertisement
khandwa- dt 08-02-2022 Khandwa-Regarding recruitement of Oaths Commissioner (for District court)
khandwa dt- 08-02-2022 Khandwa-Regarding recruitement of Oaths Commissioner at district court khandwa (for high court)
FINAL RESULT(SELECT & WAITING LIST) For The Post of Peon/Water man/Gardener/Driver District Court Jhabua
Memo Panna Document Verification Memo for Class-IV employees (Collector rate) Driver, Peon/Watchman/Water-man and Gardener & Sweeper in District And Session court PannaDocument Verification Memo for Class-IV employees (Collector rate) Driver, Peon/Watchman/Water-man and Gardener & Sweeper in District And Session court Panna
Regarding IV class Interview postponed Regarding IV class Interview postponed
Recruitment Advertisement /402/2021 To filling up the posts of Stenographer Grade-2, Stenographer Grade-3, Stenographer Grade-3 (Court Manager Staff), Assistant Grade-3 & Assistant Grade-3 (English Knowing) for District Courts of M.P. Year-2021
Corrigendum for filling up vacancies of Class-IV employees (Collector rate) Driver, Peon/Watchman/Water-man and Gardener & Sweeper for Various District & Sessions Courts of M.P
Corrigendum regarding Class-IV Posts in District Court of MP
Advertisement for filling up vacancies of Class-IV employees (Collector rate) Driver, Peon/Watchman/Water-man and Gardener & Sweeper for Various District & Sessions Courts of M.P
६०३/एक-२३-०१/२०१७ दिनांक २२ मार्च २०१७ Regarding Recruitment of Notary
578/एक-23-1/2017 जबलपुर दिनांक 23 फरवरी 2017 -
List Of Accepted And Rejected Application For The Post Of Peon/Guard/Waterman/Gardner/Driver
List Of Selected And Rejected Application For The Post Of Peon/Guard/Waterman/Gardener/Driver
Fourth Class (Contingency) recruitment- Eligible Candidates List for Interview - Peon/Gardener/Watchman/Waterman
Betul - Fourth Class (Contingency) recruitment- Eligible Candidates List for Interview - Sweeper
Betul- Fourth Class (Contingency) recruitment- Reject Candidates List- Peon/Gardener/Watchman/Waterman